Start by writing your personal value in the box.
🌳 Personal Value:
Make a list of all of the things a person would need to live by that value. It's ok to leave boxes empty. Only list things that are necessary for living by the value. When you finish your first pass, go back through and click on the "Identify Hard Steps" toggles to turn your raw materials into design tools.
🌆 Environment:
What mood, feeling, time, timing, moment, and/or setting do you need to live by this value?
🧰 Equipment:
What "things" (physical or non-physical) do you need to live by this value?
👯 Other people (who fit criteria):
What physical, intellectual, and/or emotional capacities, moods, skills, abilities, beliefs, status, willingness, relationships, etc., do other people need to have for you to live by this value?
👱 You, yourself (fitting criteria):
What do you need to live by this value? For example: physical, intellectual, and/or emotional capacities, mood, skills, abilities, beliefs, status, willingness, relationship to others, etc...
❓Other Considerations:
What other consequences, types of communication, ways of relating, sense of each other or the situation, or anything else do you need to take into account to live by this value?