Welcome! What will you focus on in your redesign session?
System to Redesign
Suppressed Value that You'll Focus On
Step 1: Gaze lovingly at this beautiful chart.
Step 2: Describe Three Situations
Please think of three times in your life in which this value was suppressed. Include, if possible, one time when the setup was kind of similar to system.
Step 3: Find 👣 Hard Steps of the Value above
Step 4: Invent a Role Play for the Original System
Imagine that you wanted to make a bad game—a game that suppressed your value. Imagine that you wanted to make a game that suppressed the value in exactly the same way it is commonly suppressed in the system you want to redesign. Using the same structural features leading to the same norms, goals, or fears.
So this is a game that's a lot like the system you want to redesign, except that it can take place as a role-play, in a single room, by a room-sized number of people.
What would be instructions for such a game?